Saturday, January 19, 2008

Plans to Increase Army's Strength

What we know, for fact, is the soldiers that are being sent to Afghanistan and Iraq are being sent on multiple tours; therefore it would seem reasonable to add additional combat troops to increase the end-strength of our Army.

The problem with adding troops is the fact they are either being blown to bits, and/or they are coming home with a host of medical and/or psychological needs that may eventually require treatment at a VA facility. As of 10:00 am EST on January 7, 2008, the Department of Defense is indicating 35,048 casualties for Iraq and Afghanistan. 4,378 dead and 30,670 wounded. The Afghanistan figures are only through December 29, 2007 so the actual toll will be higher.

My opposition to adding more troops is twofold; first I believe in negotiation, not war. Second, my husband is a former combat veteran and receives treatment at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center. If they are not already receiving VA care, sooner or later many of the 35,048 casualties, and additional troops that are service connected for medical and/or psychological problems, are going to require care at a VA facility and here is an example of what they might run into...

My husband received a letter from the VA asking him to call to schedule an appointment in the Endocrine clinic, my husband is service connected for Diabetes Mellitus caused by exposure to the herbicide Agent Orange and is seen on a fairly regular basis due to the numerous medical problems caused by Diabetes.

I called the number listed on the letter and after being put on hold for 9 minutes, I hung up and called the main number and was transferred to the clinic extension where I waited on hold for an additional 11 minutes. After a period of twenty minutes I was finally able to schedule an appointment, for next month. Remember, I was calling because the VA sent a letter requesting a call.

What is going to happen to the troops that don't get a letter requesting them to call? How long will they be put on hold? The majority of the brave men and women whose lives have been put in jeopardy over and over again, by this administration, are suffering from various stages of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder due to multiple combat tours.

Should they, along with the other approximate five million veterans the VA treats, have to wait 20 minutes just to schedule an appointment?

You are now in a position to provide commentary on adding 74,200 troops to our Army. Please take a few minutes to document your position on the subject by writing to the address listed above.

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